Erotic story of married woman in chat

Erotic story of married woman in chat

Erotic story of a married woman in chat

We are still in contact, almost permanently. Some conversations are worth keeping in mind, they should be able to be put in a little square on the light table (without anyone else seeing them).


Life continues to surprise me, only these last few times, I love to be surprised... it seems that the stars are in my favor, or in our favor. Incredibly, we have a second chance, this time it's my turn to travel. All the previous one is a novel, but this time it is his turn to organize, surely he will do it much better than me, I trust him because he is almost everything I never wanted and now I want everything for myself.
Meanwhile, we continue to hold our conversations on WhatsApp.

I keep some dialogues that we had in writing; once he said about a particular conversation, that I should keep it... I did it (I don't know why I play along), at the same time I reread it and discovered that everything we talked about, is very faithful to what I have already written. My stories are interspersed with his answers and comments, he said of that first meeting, that at one moment he thought "what am I doing here with this mine, who looks at me like this!", but he added later, that he wanted my kisses. He is so cute!

We followed the conversation that made us relive those divine sensations... He began by saying, "I didn't know what to give you... although I liked to see you get scared" (I was fascinated). My expression changed as I continued to read his messages. "It was great to do it without a condom, it's a pleasure to finish you off inside and not come out" (ufff...!!), at this point, not only my eyes and mouth couldn't be more open, a mixture of amazement and charm, but my breathing accelerated its pace; of course, his punch line left me literally feverish, suffocated...very hot... "Licking you was great" (aaayyyyy!!!).

His words thrill me to the extreme. I can perceive him in my whole being. I discovered that it has the power to make my skin crawl just by reading it... and it feels good.

This time the sensation was different, maybe it's a little scary (don't fall in love!), luckily that makes me take it objectively and not interpret things that are not.

Then he asked if anything made me jealous and confessed, once again, to being jealous. I told him that I consider him an infidel by nature, so it would only be a waste of energy to be jealous of him, but that it would hurt me if he forgot me... to which he replied "I don't know if with you around I would have room for another one; we should experience that, it's the stage of falling in love... you kiss love!

End of the dialogue... I was almost out of breath... again. What a habit this man has of leaving me in that state!
The detail. He called me that again... love. This time the sensation was different, maybe a little scary (don't fall in love!), luckily that makes me take it objectively and not interpret things that are not. I shouldn't fall into their tricks, that thing of trying to go around like that lightly... Besides... the only thing I was missing! falling in love with an unfaithful... (are you crazy? go back to your axis... now!) ok... I don't want that. That's why I don't want to be with my husband anymore... everything is broken, what's the point of falling into that same stupidity? No, no and no. A man like that, with all those bad tricks, married and very far away... besides he said it: "if I were closer", nothing convenient. (I told you...)
After going through that whirlwind, I understand that these are only things that are said for the sake of saying them, without thinking or feeling them, just because I am going through that "stage of falling in love", as he also defined it. Sometimes, I am very fragile and dreamy, luckily my analytical and rational part appears to put a cold shoulder to my wrong feelings. I could never have him alone like that, especially because he made it clear when he said that maybe I was getting hooked knowing that "he wouldn't be faithful to me", and that now that fucked me up. I don't know if he's right, for two reasons. The first: to see whether or not he could "be faithful" to me, we would have to have a fairly stable and normal relationship (and be psychic), I don't think we qualify for that. Second: because from the beginning I think that he would never be faithful more than to himself (allow me to doubt it).
Maybe I did get hooked, but who cares, I'm just trying to enjoy it while it lasts... Meanwhile, each one of us continues with our screen life, the one we show to society, including, above all, a decorative couple shows, what a farce! At the end, which of the two faces is the most authentic?
I want it, I want it, I want it... all for me (shhh...!!! That is not said). I admit it. I hate that he (me) is unfaithful. It's driving me crazy. To the point that I prefer him married, I suppose that the state gives him less chance than to be loose as a predator of female creatures. Even I don't believe in the last thing I wrote... I have arguments (and what do you care! You know how it is. You said that what matters is that he doesn't forget you... He won't forget you).

How many thoughts are going around in my mind... incoherences, contradictions

